How you can help us:
- Support club events
- Encourage others to attend club events
- Donations through collections
- Give us your old spectacles (for SightFirst)
- Give us your old hearing aids
- Join us and help
- Volunteer to help at events e.g. collections during events, supply cakes for the Charity Family Fun Day and Senior Citizens Christmas Tea Party, help set up events, provide services for free or discount, steward events.
So what do the Lions do?
Being a Lion is being part of an organisation spanning the globe with 1.4 millions members in thousands of clubs such as The Lions Club of Looe. All Lions clubs share the tag line of “We Serve” which is fundamentally what we do. Serving comes in many forms, but a major element is plain service, for instance in Looe the Lions have served the community by helping to run over 50 COVID/FLU vaccinations clinics. Some requirements by their nature or geography can only be helped by funding, either locally such as the Christmas hampers for those in need, and nationally and internationally such as “SightFirst” fighting the causes of preventable and reserve-able blindness.
What would I be expected to do as a Lion?
Actively participating in activities where the focus is on serving, volunteering at vaccination clinics, marshalling at community events, driving people to events that they would otherwise not get to, and much much more. Being a Lion means getting involved in these events and giving up your time to ensure these events can happen.
Some of our activities are focussed on fund raising for local, national and international projects and needs. Events such as the car boot sales that we operate between June and September needs Lions to open up and set out the car boot field, park buyers cars, park sellers in their pitches, collect pitch fees from the sellers and tidy the field at the end. There are many other events that require organising that generate donations to the club. Being a Lion means attending many of these events, without your participation these fundraising events could not happen.
The serving and fundraising events do not just happen, they need organising and to this end there is a requirement to actively participate in regular and event related meetings. We hold a monthly general meeting at which we plan events, review what we have achieved and decide on what donations we will make to good causes. Some events such as the annual carnival week require more in depth planning and to this end there are event specific meetings to thrash out the details. Being a Lion means actively participating and contributing to the majority of these meetings, taking responsibility for aspects of the events and/or taking a lead on the event.
It is not all serving and generation revenue, we hold numerous social events throughout the year, some formal but the vast majority are opportunities to socialise over a drink and/or a meal. We all have different preferences for socialising so a they are varied, but events are there to celebrate our achievements and enjoy the company of like minded people willing to give time and effort to help others.
Would I make a good Lions?
That is down to your own circumstances, if you can make a reasonable commitment of your time to fully participate in the club’s various activities then with our help we are sure you can be a great lion and great asset to the community that you live in. If you can’t then maybe now is not the time but as your circumstances change it is a decision to revisit.
Should you be interested in becoming a Lion then please contact our Lion Secretary via email at secretary@looelions.co.uk
Thank you.